VICTORY for the Win!
See what people are saying about our 24/7 faith channel!

I wanted to send you a testimony of our kids enjoying VICTORY Update and America Stands. Judah—our 9-year-old—watches every show, every day, but fast-forwards and always watches Mike Garafalo for the news. He comes and updates us on what is happening in the news and what Mike says every day. Thanks for the VICTORY Channel! It has [helped] our children to focus on what God is saying and doing.
–Nick C.

I’ve been a believer for over 45 years, but I’ve learned more about God and His Word in the last year that I have been watching BVOVN than in all those years combined.
–Becky B.

My wife and I have been watching [BVOVN] on Dish channel 265 from day one when it started. We have cut our time by 75% of watching other secular channels and seen an increase in our desire to study the Word of God.
–Art L.

We were able to watch the SWBC [on BVOVN] and felt like we were right there at the meetings! What a wonderful miracle to have this channel 24/7!
–Colette N.